Globelink International

Globelink International has established itself as a leader in international travel insurance, with a wide variety of policies and options that cover every possible travel scenario. As long as the traveller is under the age of 84, the company has a travel insurance package to suit most needs.

Annual Travel Insurance

This option covers as many trips as the policyholder wishes to take within a twelve-month period. One key feature of this insurance package is the ability to select a trip that lasts for a period of up to 120 days (individual trips cover), making it an attractive option for longer stays.

The age parameters are as follows:

  • The cover is limited to applicants under the age of 74
  • If you are aged 66 to 70, the individual trips cover is limited to 60 days
  • If you are aged 71 to 74, the individual trips cover is limited to 31 days maximum

Some examples of what this policy covers:

  • Medical expenses, which means that if you incur medical expenses while enjoying your travel the company will step in and cover the costs of those expenses. This is a real example of the company offering supreme peace of mind. It can be very distressing to face medical expenses while travelling, because they can be quite considerable. Knowing that the company will pay for these expenses is comforting to travellers.
  • Personal accident, if you are unfortunate enough to suffer an accident, Globelink will make sure that the costs needed to cover such an eventuality are taken care of. Again, this adds to the overall peace of mind a customer has
  • Travel delay. Travel delays do happen, and Globelink address this issue by ensuring that there is cover in place for any travel delay that affects your arrival time
  • Personal possessions. It can be very distressing to have your personal possessions stolen or to lose them while travelling. Globelink ensures that there is financial cover available for loss of personal possessions, for whatever reason
  • Hijack. Obviously, this eventuality is very rare, but if a hijack does take place, Globelink will provide financial assistance
  • Catastrophe
  • Personal liability
  • Extended kennel. For dog lovers there is the opportunity to receive financial cover for kennel costs


Winter Sports

Globelink are famous for providing a very comprehensive winter sports package that makes it easy to enjoy such activities while you are travelling. The details of the cover available are as follows:

If you suffer a cancellation or curtailment of your holiday and it is beyond your control, Globelink offer up to £2,000 per person on the trip in the way of financial cover.

This is good for travellers, because it means that even though these events are often firmly out of the control of the traveller, there is the safety net of appropriate financial cover to fall back on.

Emergency medical repatriation is a situation where the customer has to be flown back home as an emergency for medical reasons. It can be very costly as well as highly distressing. Globelink offer up to £5,000,000 in way of financial care for this eventuality.

If there is a travel delay, which is very likely in these busy times where flights are often late, Globelink offer some financial cover to reduce the impact.

For the first 12 hours of a delay period Globelink offer up to £20 as financial support. For each 12-hour stage after that there is a further £10 to be received. The cover stops once a £100 cap is reached. If the travel is abandoned by the provider company (e.g. the airline) then there is a maximum of £2,000 for the customer. This is a very generous amount, and shows how much Globelink invest in customer satisfaction. Cancellations and delays often occur, and it is good for customers to have this money to fall back on.

It can be upsetting to lose personal cash or your passports, which can happen to any traveller. As part of the winter sports package there is a clear level of cover that should make it easy for you to get back on your feet if you lose important documents or cash. The company offers up to £500 in compensation if you lose these items. This should make it easy to arrange for further cash to be sent to you, and should allow you to take care of the passport issue.

If you find yourself in the middle of a legal issue while travelling it can be worrying, simply because you may feel that you so not have the same kind of protection as you would enjoy at home. However, Globelink recognise this and can offer some support towards the legal expenses you may incur. This is available to winter sports insurance customers and can mean up to £5,000 in legal expenses being covered by the company.

When it comes to winter sports, the cover is very positive. For example, if you find that there is piste closure, you can expect to receive up to £20 per day as part of the financial cover. If your ski equipment is delayed there is a cover item of up to £100 to help you manage the inconvenience.

In recent years there has been a high number of avalanches in winter resorts. The company recognizes this by offering up to £20 a day as cover so you have something towards the inconvenience.

Globelink have long had the reputation for high quality cover that is responsive to the needs of the customer. They have a 24-hour telephone line, for example, which means that they can deal with customer issues and problems quickly and effectively. This is highly reassuring for customers, who need to know that the company is able to move quickly when they are required to. Staff are courteous and positive, and the overall feel of the company and how they handle their customers is highly admirable. They have policies that cover pretty much every eventuality and they also ensure that the majority of age ranges are taken care of too.